Find the answer by reading the ingredients of the product you use or recommend.
- Dry Era: no aftercare at all. Time to move on and make a change!
- Petrochemical Era: inexpensive products made of petrolatum, paraffin, mineral oil. Time to move on and make a change!
- Chemical concoction and animal-testing Era: parabens (Methyl-, Propyl-, Ethyl-, Butyl-), PEG, Propylene Glycol, Diazolidinyl Urea, Ceteareth, fragrance... Time to move on and make a change!
- Educated Consumer Era: What goes on the body goes in the body. Knowing what's really in the products you use makes a difference. Choosing products that not only make you look and feel beautiful but won’t harm you in the process. Making educated and healthy choices every day. Making After Inked a part of your daily skincare routine.